The Howatt Family
Todd, Staci, Emerson, Gracely & Dusty

Sunday, August 8, 2010

We're Having a Great Summer!

Hello from the hottest place on Earth! Okay, well maybe Alabama isn't the hottest, but it's got to be close to it! We are having high 90's -100 degree temps. everyday. It's just too stinkin' hot to do anything. Even our pool feels like a hot tub! Uhhh! We are officially ready for Fall and cooler temps.
Now, enough complaining! We are having a GREAT summer! Playdates with lots of great friends, participating in the Summer Reading Program at the library, T-ball, Vacation Bible School and traveling to Gatlinburg for our summer family vacation are just a few of our fun happenings! Emerson and Gracely are at such fun ages right now and are quite the little travelers! We are headed out to Maine in a couple weeks to visit Grammy and Grampa and our family up there (boys, get ready b/c Emerson is already talking about playing wiffle ball everyday!), so hopefully the good traveling will continue!
The pics below are several from our fun summer! Hope you enjoy! Much love to you all!

Happy Summer from Emerson and Gracely!

If you have met our children, then this pic doesn't surprise you at angelic and one mischievious, can you guess which one is which?

Goo's new thing to say with this face is "Mommy, I mean at you!" I think she's trying to say that I'm mean and she's mad. :)

Once again: the angelic one!

Watching tv in the tent that Mommy made!

Our gorgeous little cabin in Gatlinburg, TN! We loved it!

It was beautiful and perfect for us!

Now, let me tell you, we played A LOT of mini-golf on our vacation. Both kiddos love it! Todd and I enjoyed it the first 10 times, but after that not so much. haha

Loved it! Gracely wasn't in a pic taking mood that evening, so that's why you don't see her!

We had a blast at the Gatlinburg aquarium! They had a new penguin exhibit that was so cute!

Crawling through the Penguin tunnel! Such a good Daddy!


I know that little fish doesn't look like much-I was actually pointing at a shark!

Not sure what's going on with Goo here-I guess just super excited!

This was so cool-there is a glass tunnel that you walk through and this "monster" was laying on the top. Uhhhh-so creepy! By the way, Emerson was not impressed with this little guy, I'm sure you could have guessed that.

We were so sad to see T-ball end! Emerson had such a great time and so did we! These are a few pics of his End-of-Season party and getting his medal.

One last "GO REDS"!

You have never seen anyone more proud of something-this medal was the best thing Emerson had ever received. He was so excited!

Coach Jason giving Emerson his t-ball medal!

Now I know I tease GooGoo a lot about her high-maintenance personality (Let's face it, it is what it is), but she melts my heart in a way that I didn't know possible. She is such a snuggle-bug and loves to give hugs/kisses. She is a natural comedian and makes us laugh constantly. She is a princess in the truest sense of the word and we absolutely adore her!